
  • Simulation Spotlight submissions

    If you've ever thought about submitting an article to the Simulation Spotlight, now is the time. This publication is the weekly online newsletter for SSH. It has a consistently high open rate each week and is sent to more than 18,000 healthcare simulationists around the world. If you're not sure you have something of interest to submit, just take a look around your sim center and consider what kind of changes have been made there in the past few years. This could be the addition of new equipment, more staff, more technology, etc. Let us know what's happening in your neck of the healthcare simulation woods!

    If you belong to an SSH Section, SIG or Affinity Group, submit a report on the things your group is doing or has done.

    To discuss logistics and submission requirements, please direct inquiries to Simulation Spotlight's editor, Bianca Gibson at

    Contact me with any feedback.