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  • Stopping in to say hello

    Hi Distance Sim community,

    I know we have not been communicating much though here, but hope this check in finds you all well. We are entering summer here in the US so things slow down a bit for some of us educators. My hope this summer is to find some interesting distance simulation topics for us to discuss. For now, I would love to here what you have been up to in the distance simulation space. If you have read something interesting please share it. Has anyone submitted a distance simulation presentation for IMSH 2025? If so lets hear about it here so we can look for it and show our support by attending when we can. 

    Today my share is a systematic review from Jan 2024 

    Health Care Simulation in Person and at a Distance: A Systematic Review

    I would love to hear what you think of this review. For those who like to skip to the 'good parts': A detailed list of study outcomes can be found in Table 1, SDC 3, Characteristics Table, and SDC 4, Full Extraction Table.

    I am struck by the mixed findings and of course (because if you know me you know I am obsessed with terminology variability) with the varied terms used to describe distance simulation. This review article has quite a lot to unpack -I look forward to a robust convo.



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