Greetings Distance Sim Friends!!
We are working on compiling resources for those offering distance simulation experiences so thought I'd reach out to all of you and ask: What simulation software platforms have you found most valuable for distance healthcare simulation, and why?
I'll share one I have used that I really like and especially because it is free and because there are plenty of scenarios ready to go, thanks to those who have created them and offered them for use. Check out Virtual Resus Room. It's easy to use and you can create your own sim scenarios based on your needs. It is collaborative, interactive, and the facilitator controls patient status changes based on the actions of the partcipants.
There's also an Innovation Report on it's use and a demo video on the website along with resources for free scenarios.
So, what sim software have you used for distance sim delivery? Tell us all about it and we will list it in our Distance Simulation Affinity Group Library!
Cynthia Mosher PhD, MD, MSHS
Assistant Professor MGH Institute of Health Professions Boston MA
cmosher@mghihp.eduAssistant Director, Department of Clinical Skills Alfaisal University College of Medicine Riyadh Saudi Arabia