Introductions of Cynthia, Jill, Jabeen _informational
Introductions by attendees_ice breaker, name, where from, something interesting about themselves
Talk about why the group was started and some of the parallel work already being done, i.e. the distance sim research, your article, the summit, the collaboration, anything else that comes to mind - informational
Goals of the group for this year, longer term- discussion
Number of meetings per year desired and type of meetings, informational vs discussion vs educational - discussion
Virtual Journal club as a way to engage -discussion
Speaker - topics of interest? Goal speaker sept. -discussion
What work might we want to engage in as a group? - discussion
Leadership beyond 2024 IMSH - discussion / nominations
Total attendance - 10
Meeting called to order 07:15am
The floor was opened for thoughts:
Discuss reach - sim connect ignored, suggested other avenues - Whats app, slack, etc.. A what's app chat has been started. The link to join is:
Ideas about ways to add content and connect were discussed - Ideas included:
pre recorded conversations about a topic.
Host a live distance sim with pitfalls, have it recorded and
The question - What do you want?
Build connection with the collaborative
Personalized email about the group
Round table talks- recordings - grassroots speakers
Post more on Linked in
Fix the description in the sim connect
Connection within a community, what are the issues, how can we learn from each other.
Need to share more.
The question about what the group thought the Priorities should be was asked:
Learn how to create distance learning for team based learning- team based training
Learning about who is in the space - what are they doing
Categories - definition of the categories
To do:
Use other platforms - LinkedIn - will make an effort to share events and information on Linked In
Sub groups set up - will look into whether sub groups can be created in Sim Connect
Build connection with the collaborative - will work with reps across both groups to foster more of a partnership.
Personalized email about the group - will look into how to do this.
Round table talks- recordings - grassroots speakers - will seek individuals who might be interested in this
Fix the description in the sim connect - it was noted our description is the one for the disaster sim group. A change has been requested to remedy this.
Wrap up.
We did not get to all the agenda items. If anyone would like to become more involved that would be great. We need folks willing to do social media and plan speakers. If you are interested please send an email to with your information and which role you are interested in serving in. Please include a short statement about why you would like to be involved.
Meeting Adjourned
Jill Sanko