Hi Rasha! Thank you for your interest! Please email me at dwawersi@nova.edu so I can send you the details.
Thanks again!
Dawn Wawersik PhD-c, RN, CHSE, CNE-cl
Nova Southeastern University
Executive Director
Interprofessional SImulatin Institute
Davie, FL
Original Message:
Sent: 06-26-2024 15:45
From: Rasha Alkhadra
Subject: Psychological Safety in Distance Simulation Study
Hi , thank you for sharing this. I am interested in learning more.
Rasha Alkhadra
Director of Innovation in Dental Education
Adams School of Dentistry, UNC
South Pasadena CA
Original Message:
Sent: 06-25-2024 08:40
From: Daniel Dale
Subject: Psychological Safety in Distance Simulation Study
Good morning, Psychological Safety in Distance Simulation Group!
The Healthcare Distance Simulation Collaborative is conducting a research study focused on understanding psychological safety in distance simulations. We are interviewing facilitators and learners to gain insights into their experiences. Specifically, we want to identify the internal and external factors that influence the perception of psychological safety in these remote simulation environments. The goal is to use this information to improve the design and delivery of distance simulations, ultimately making them more effective learning experiences for everyone involved.
Interested facilitators and learners can learn more and express interest by contacting:
If you are interested, please respond by July 5.
Thank you for your support!
Dawn Wawersik and Aaron Calhoun
Daniel Dale
Clinical Assistant Professor
Mercer University
Atlanta GA