Do you work or teach at a healthcare simulation center or program? If so, please complete our survey and/or share with your simulation colleagues!
This research is being conducted by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH)'s Haptics Working Group.
- Research Recruitment Announcement -
We are conducting a survey on what haptic technologies are being used by healthcare simulation centers and programs.
If you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete a survey on healthcare simulation technologies. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Participation in this survey is voluntary and you may choose to discontinue the study at any time. Participants will not be compensated for their involvement. However, your participation in this research project can help provide insights for future research in healthcare simulation.
This is a minimal-risk study, meaning that the risks in this study are the same as day-to-day risks. Participants must be at least 18 years or older to participate in this study and work or teach at a healthcare simulation center or program.
The study will take place online via Qualtrics survey software. If you are interested in participating or have any questions regarding the research project, please contact the primary investigator, Shannon Bailey, PhD
***Please complete the survey on Qualtrics using this link***
Your response is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
Carrie Gigray
Health Science Curriculum Development Specialist
Transfr, Washington