Hello Jill! I wish I would have been there - this sounds so interesting and is something I have a great deal of interest in. Is there a way to get involved with this group in terms of future meetings, or projects/research they may be involved in? I am considering application for a grant that requires a research arm, and believe that what I'm working on is exactly what the distance simulation group would have interest in.
Leila Casteel
Associate Vice President, Curriculum & Innovation
Herzing University
Fairview TN
Original Message:
Sent: 10-31-2022 09:06
From: Jill Sanko
Subject: The Distance Simulation Summit Summary
Good Halloween Monday to you all DSAG members,
Several weeks ago I attended The Distance Simulation Annual Summit sponsored by the The Healthcare Distance Simulation Collaboration. This half day event brought together just under 100 scholars and emerging scholars to discuss all things distance simulation. The summit began with a panel discussion that delved into where distance simulation is currently and what we need to do (research wise) to keep it moving forward. These topics were addressed by 3 panelists and a moderator. In addition to answering questions developed by the summit planners questions were put forth by the audience. The discussion was robust and really helped to set the stage for the rest of the event.
Following the panel discussion all attendees were broken up into work groups. Group membership was determined by interest - many were returning scholars from prior summits. The work groups each addressed a different facet of distance simulation. There was a group focused on assessment and evaluation, one focused on faculty development, one on psychological safety, one on human factors and one on pictography / visual communication. At the end of the day all groups met back in the main Zoom room and delegates from each group summarized what they discussed and any projects they are moving forward. The goal of the summit is to facilitate work that will be carried out throughout the year by the summit attendees. The 2021 summit produced multiple papers and the hope is this most recent summit will have as much success in producing scholarship in this area.
All the best,
Jill Sanko